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人物性格: Beatrice is the niece of Leonato, a wealthy governor of Messina. Though she is close friends with her cousin Hero, Leonato’s daughter, the two could not be less alike. Whereas Hero is polite, quiet, respectful, and gentle, Beatrice is feisty, cynical, witty, and sharp. Beatrice keeps up a “merry war” of wits with Benedick, a lord and soldier from Padua. The play suggests that she was once in love with Benedick but that he led her on and their relationship ended. Now when they meet, the two constantly compete to outdo one another with clever insults. Although she ***ears hardened and sharp, Beatrice is really vulnerable. Once she overhears Hero describing that Benedick is in love with her (Beatrice), she opens herself to the sensitivities and weaknesses of love. Beatrice is a prime example of one of Shakespeare’s strong female characters. She refuses to marry because she has not discovered the perfect, equal partner and because she is unwilling to eschew her liberty and submit to the will of a controlling hu***and. When Hero has been humiliated and accused of violating her chastity, Beatrice explodes with fury at Claudio for mistreating her cousin. In her frustration and rage about Hero’s mistreatment, Beatrice rebels against the unequal status of women in Renaissance society. “O that I were a man for his sake! Or that I had any friend would be a man for my sake!” she passionately exclaims. “I cannot be a man with wishing, therefore I will die a woman with grieving” (IV.i.312–318). Benedick Benedick is the willful lord, recently returned from fighting in the wars, who vows that he will never marry. He engages with Beatrice in a competition to outwit, out***art, and out-insult the other, but to his observant friends, he seems to feel some deeper emotion below the surface. Upon hearing Claudio and Don Pedro discussing Beatrice’s desire for him, Benedick vows to be “horribly in love with her,” in effect continuing the competition by outdoing her in love and courtship (II.iii.207). Benedick is one of the most histrionic characters in the play, as he constantly performs for the benefit of others. He is the entertainer, indulging in witty hyperbole to express his feelings. He delivers a perfect example of his inflated rhetoric when Beatrice enters during the masked ball. Turning to his companions, Benedick grossly exaggerates how Beatrice has misused him, bidding his friends to send him to the farthest corners of the earth rather than let him spend one more minute with his nemesis: “Will your grace command me any service to the world’s end? I will go on the slightest errand now to the Antipodes that you can devise to send me on. I will fetch you a toothpicker from the furthest inch of Asia . . . do you any embassage to the pigmies, rather than hold three words’ conference with this harpy” (II.i.229–235). Of course, since Benedick is so invested in performing for the others, it is not easy for us to tell whether he has been in love with Beatrice all along or falls in love with her suddenly during the play. Benedick’s adamant refusal to marry does ***ear to change over the course of the play, once he decides to fall in love with Beatrice. He attempts to conceal this transformation from his friends but really might enjoy shocking them by sh***ing off his beard and professing undying love to Beatrice. This change in attitude seems most evident when Benedick challenges Claudio, previously his closest friend in the world, to duel to the death over Claudio’s accusation as to Hero’s unchaste beh***ior. There can be no dou*** at this point that Benedick has switched his allegiances entirely over to Beatrice. Don Pedro, Prince of Aragon Of all the main characters in Much Ado About Nothing, Don Pedro seems the most elusive. He is the noblest character in the social hierarchy of the play, and his friends Benedick and Claudio, though equals in wit, must always defer to him because their positions depend upon his f***or. Don Pedro has power, and he is well aware of it; whether or not he abuses this power is open to question. Unlike his bastard brother, the villain Don John, Don Pedro most often uses his power and authority toward positive ends. But like his half-brother, Don Pedro manipulates other characters as much as he likes. For instance, he insists on wooing Hero for Claudio himself, while masked, rather than allowing Claudio to profess his love to Hero first. Of course, everything turns out for the best—Don Pedro’s motives are purely in the interest of his friend. But we are left wondering why Don Pedro feels the need for such an elaborate dissimulation merely to inform Hero of Claudio’s romantic interest. It seems simply that it is Don Pedro’s royal prerogative to do exactly as he wishes, and no one can question it. Despite his cloudy motives, Don Pedro does work to bring about h***iness. It is his idea, for instance, to convince Beatrice and Benedick that each is in love with the other and by doing so bring the two compe***s together. He orchestrates the whole plot and plays the role of director in this comedy of wit and manners. Don Pedro is the only one of the three gallants not to end up with a wife at the end. Benedick laughingly jokes in the final scene that the melancholy prince must “get thee a wife” in order to enjoy true h***iness (V.iv.117). The question necessarily arises as to why Don Pedro is sad at the end of a joyous comedy. Perhaps his exchange with Beatrice at the masked ball—in which he proposes marriage to her and she jokingly refuses him, taking his proposal as mere sport—pains him; perhaps he is truly in love with Beatrice. The text does not give us a conclusive explanation for his melancholy, nor for his fascination with dissembling. This uncertainly about his character helps to make him one of the most thought-provoking characters in the play.(回答有10000字限制,只能两次回答)。

无事生非——莎士比亚 著电子书txt全集下载

1 爱的徒劳 莎士比亚 64K

2 奥瑟罗 莎士比亚 72K

3 暴风雨 莎士比亚 53K

4 错误的喜剧 莎士比亚 42K

5 第十二夜 莎士比亚 56K

6 冬天的故事 莎士比亚 66K

7 亨利八世 莎士比亚 72K

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9 亨利六世中篇 莎士比亚 74K

10 亨利六世下篇 莎士比亚 70K

11 亨利四世上篇 莎士比亚 69K

12 亨利四世下篇 莎士比亚 73K

13 亨利五世 莎士比亚 81K

14 哈姆雷特 莎士比亚 81K

15 皆大欢喜 莎士比亚 60K

16 科利奥兰纳斯 莎士比亚 75K

17 理查二世 莎士比亚 65K

18 理查三世 莎士比亚 81K

19 李尔王 莎士比亚 75K

20 罗密欧与朱丽叶 莎士比亚 68K

21 麦克白 莎士比亚 53K

22 莎士比亚诗选 莎士比亚 137K

23 裘力斯·凯撒 莎士比亚 56K

24 泰尔亲王配力克里斯 莎士比亚 56K

25 特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达 莎士比亚 73K

26 泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯 莎士比亚 59K

27 维洛那二绅士 莎士比亚 49K

28 ***商人 莎士比亚 60K

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31 辛白林 莎士比亚 80K

32 驯悍记 莎士比亚 59K

33 一报还一报 莎士比亚 58K

34 雅典的泰门 莎士比亚 54K

35 约翰王 莎士比亚 60K

36 终成眷属 莎士比亚 65K

37 仲夏夜之梦 莎士比亚 51K


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1 爱的徒劳 莎士比亚 64K

2 奥瑟罗 莎士比亚 72K

3 暴风雨 莎士比亚 53K

4 错误的喜剧 莎士比亚 42K

5 第十二夜 莎士比亚 56K

6 冬天的故事 莎士比亚 66K

7 亨利八世 莎士比亚 72K

8 亨利六世上篇 莎士比亚 65K

9 亨利六世中篇 莎士比亚 74K

10 亨利六世下篇 莎士比亚 70K

11 亨利四世上篇 莎士比亚 69K

12 亨利四世下篇 莎士比亚 73K

13 亨利五世 莎士比亚 81K

14 哈姆雷特 莎士比亚 81K

15 皆大欢喜 莎士比亚 60K

16 科利奥兰纳斯 莎士比亚 75K

17 理查二世 莎士比亚 65K

18 理查三世 莎士比亚 81K

19 李尔王 莎士比亚 75K

20 罗密欧与朱丽叶 莎士比亚 68K

21 麦克白 莎士比亚 53K

22 莎士比亚诗选 莎士比亚 137K

23 裘力斯·凯撒 莎士比亚 56K

24 泰尔亲王配力克里斯 莎士比亚 56K

25 特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达 莎士比亚 73K

26 泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯 莎士比亚 59K

27 维洛那二绅士 莎士比亚 49K

28 ***商人 莎士比亚 60K

29 温莎的风流娘儿们 莎士比亚 62K

30 无事生非 莎士比亚 60K

31 辛白林 莎士比亚 80K

32 驯悍记 莎士比亚 59K

33 一报还一报 莎士比亚 58K

34 雅典的泰门 莎士比亚 54K

35 约翰王 莎士比亚 60K

36 终成眷属 莎士比亚 65K

37 仲夏夜之梦 莎士比亚 51K